Polynucleotide Treatments

Polynucleotide Treatments

What are Polynucleotide Treatments?

Polynucleotide treatments are the gold standard in true skin regeneration. They are filtered and ultra-purified natural DNA fractions that initiate your body’s natural fibroblast production, resulting in increased collagen, and a thicker, healthier epidermis. Thanks to polynucleotides’ antioxidant properties, inflammation is reduced and youthful volume and hydration is restored.

The evidence for the power of Polynucleotides is undisputed in both the medical and aesthetic fields.

How can Polynucleotides help resolve our patients’ top concerns?

Unlike some injectables, polynucleotides are an exceptionally versatile and all-around treatment. With polynucleotide products developed with a host of concerns in mind, these restorative injectables can be used to treat perceived flaws across the body and face, including the eye area and stretch marks.

Excellent at boosting fibroblast production and inducing deep tissue repair processes, polynucleotide treatments enhance the skin’s quality whilst also aiding with other concerns. Some other key usages of polynucleotides include:

  • Acne scarring
  • Skin conditions such as rosacea, melasma and hyperpigmentation
  • Atrophic scarring
  • Alopecia and androgenic hair loss
  • Deep lines and sunken wrinkles
  • Skin rehydration and rejuvenation
  • Elastosis
  • Facial ageing such as sagging and the formation of fine lines
  • Lumpy scars

What is the difference between Polynucleotides and Dermal Filllers?

Polynucleotides work on skin quality and is used for patients concerned with fine lines, wrinkles and loss of elasticity on the face or neck. It treats various concerns and is an excellent option for under-eye crepiness, puffiness, wrinkles, and hollows.

Fillers are more suitable for those with significant volume loss, imbalances or those who wish to restore definition. They are used to augment a specific area via a lifting and volumising effect. While they can give the skin greater luminosity, polynucleotides tend to take a more holistic approach for widespread improvement of the skin whilst stimulating collagen production and smoothing lines and wrinkles.

What types of Polynucleotides are available at Refine Clinic?

Pre & Post Treatment Advice

  • For the best results, and to minimize the chance of bleeding or bruising at the injection site, please avoid all blood-thinning medications and supplements for one week prior to your appointment. This includes over-the-counter medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or Aleve. Also avoid herbal supplements such as garlic, vitamin E, ginko biloba, St. John’s Wort and omega-3 capsules. If you have a cardiovascular history, please check with your doctor prior to stopping use of aspirin.
  • Please inform us if you have a history of Perioral Herpes to receive advice on antiviral therapy prior to treatment.
  • Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A) retinols, retinoids, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, or any “anti-aging” products for two days before and after treatment.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before or after your treatment to avoid extra bruising.
  • Do not use dermal fillers if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, are allergic to any of it’s ingredients, or suffer from any neurological disorders.
  • Use a cold pack to reduce swelling and redness on the injection site.
  • Avoid physical strain, sudden head movements and sports the first day after the treatment.
  • Avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet light (solar exposure, lamps) in the 4 weeks following the treatment.
  • Avoid intense hot (Sauna, steam bath) or intense cold in the 4 weeks following treatment.
  • Avoid further cosmetic therapies for the first two weeks after the treatment.
  • Avoid massaging the injection site.
  • Avoid the intake of significant amounts of alcohol for a period of 10 to 14 days after the treatment.
  • Avoid application of make-up for at least 12 hrs post-procedure. Stay well hydrated (1.5–2.0 l water per day).