general health

27 01, 2020

What Is Diabetes


So, what is Diabetes? The term ‘diabetes’ means excessive urination and the word ‘Mellitus’ means honey. Diabetes can be a lifelong condition and is caused by a lack of, or insufficiency of insulin. Insulin is the hormone that converts sugar, starches, and other foods into energy that your body needs to get through the [...]

What Is Diabetes2024-04-06T19:26:02+01:00
30 01, 2020

Liver Health


Liver Health Your liver is one of the largest organs in the body and it is also one of the most important organs in the body. The skin is the only organ heavier and larger than the liver. The liver is protected by your ribs. Your liver has 2 main sections (lobes). Each section [...]

Liver Health2022-04-15T09:52:35+01:00
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