Ways to Stay Healthy & Focused during the Lockdown.

Lockdown has been proving to be a difficult time for everyone around the world. Home Schooling can be a challenge and we all need a break now and then. We thought it would be a good idea to suggest some things other than Netflix, that could be of help for Mental Health Preservation during the Pandemic.

Let Your Mind Escape


  • Listen to A Podcast. These are not just an Apple thing, you’ll find them on Spotify too!
  • Binge On Spotify – Discover new artists or genres of music.
  • Watch a Comedy Show.
  • Read A Book.
  • Practice Meditation.
  • Relax.
  • Watch a kid’s movie, have a treat day with the younger ones.

Educate Yourself

  • Watch A Documentary.
  • Enroll in a Free Course to maybe upskill. Plenty being offered by Udemy and lots of University websites.
  • Explore a DIY Book.
  • Read a Cook Book.
  • Check out Our Blogs ;-)

Get Creative


  • If you’ve got kids, plan some arts and crafts. There are lots of things you find around the house that can be turned into some pretty cool things! Pinterest, Google, YouTube and Crayola websites are a great source of ideas.
  • Paint a Picture. Even if you don’t have children, this can be a wonderful escape for the mind.
  • Pick a recipe from a cookbook or website, and challenge yourself (get the family involved). Break out that slow cooker that’s been sitting in the cupboard for months.



  • Try Yoga if you find your body is stiff and tense. It’s not easy being cooped up in the house, especially if your family is used to being out and about on a daily basis.
  • Yoga can improve respiration, energy, and vitality. It increases muscle strength and tone. If you’ve got kids and they want to get involved, Let them!
  • It has also has been proven to be very beneficial for young people. It’s non-competitive, it teaches calming techniques, and children can learn self-awareness through yoga.
  • Yoga Kids on YouTube is really fun for the younger ones. You’ll find many family orientated exercises on Youtube, so give it a try.
  •  If you can get out and about within the 2km radius then most definitely do it. It’s not healthy for us to be indoors 24 hours a day. If you’ve got a good-sized garden, why not do a few laps or some circuit training.


Spend quality time with whoever you’re in lockdown with. As much as we may see all of this as problematic, it can be a great way to get to know each other a bit better, especially if you’ve got a busy household.

Check-in on elderly relatives. We all have someone who would love to pass an hour or two talking about “the good old days”.

This is a tough time for everyone, and especially the younger generation. They are not used to all of these restrictions. Being out of school would usually mean being with their friends and they’ve had to accept that this is not normal for the time being. Make the effort in including them in as many things as possible. Let them discover skills they may not know they had.

Take this time to do things you never usually would because life is so busy. Work-life, family life, it all takes up our time. Let’s take all the positives that we can, and build on them.

Stay Safe Everyone. Each day is a day closer to some sort of normality.