10 Ways to be more Mindful AND Productive at Work

mindful at work

Workplace Mindfulness

  1. Be consciously present

This means to be present in whatever you’re doing, whether you consider it important or not.

  1. Use Short Mindful Exercises at Work

Connect with one of your senses. No need to close your eyes or meditate. Breathe.

  1. Be a Single-Tasker

In reality, we can’t multitask effectively and have each task end 100%. Challenge yourself to switch off your notifications, for example, and focus on that important task.

  1. Mindful Reminders

Being on auto-pilot means you’re not present 100%. You’re not awake to the opportunities and choices around you. Perhaps set a timer 3 times a day to remind you to slow down and be present in the here and now.

  1. Slow Down to Speed Up

Successful and effective leaders, workers & entrepreneurs slow down and reflect to make the best decisions and actions.

Next time you find yourself rushing, just stop. Save your energy and you’ll make less mistakes.

  1. Stress is your Friend

Change the way you think about Stress. This will change your body’s response to it. It can actually spur you on in some situations. Mindfulness can help you achieve this change in perception.

  1. Gratitude

Write down one thing every day that you’re grateful for about your work. Even if it’s a very small thing. It’ll make you feel better and more positive about your job.

  1. Cultivate Humility

Simple. Thank a colleague who has helped you to be where you are today. Be aware of the your natural dependence on those around you.

  1. Accept what you can’t Change

Just take the time to remind yourself  that “I am good enough” just the way I am. Accept yourself. You’re doing great!

  1. Nothing Wrong with a Growth Mindset

Take on a new challenge that you would normally stay away from – it might stretch you more than you’re comfortable with? See it as a way to grow.

If you are finding it tough at work, we’d recommend you visit Mental Health Awareness Ireland.